Watchdog Uganda
Our children have stayed at home for the most part of this year. Online or virtual education is just a novel idea rather than a practical and affordable education. This modern method of education may be good for the grown up and mature learners rather than for those who are still in primary or even in secondary level of education.
The nation is uncertain about the time of opening the schools, how to put in place Standard Operating Procedures in opening the school, how to deal with this lost year, how to meet the unforeseen expenses in the education sector and many other practical concerns. It is a matter of fact that both the public and private education providers are cash trapped in opening educational institutions.
At the wake of Coronavirus induced Lockdown, digital or online learning came handy. Though it can be a good alternative to classroom learning, there are many other emerging problems that have not been paid attention and solutions explored. One such issue is the remoteness of relationships which is unhealthy for learning.
The question is very simple, ‘Can a slow learner or even an average performer who struggles to learn in a class through a concrete physical environment can learn and grasp complex theories in a remote person-less teaching environment?’ Education is real, not virtual. Education will always remain a ‘relationship of exchange’, rather than just imparting a set of knowledge or skill.
At the surge of Coronavirus, the Department of Education in Vatican issued a thought-provoking document on the challenges of education during COVID 19, highlighting the importance of relationship, communal sharing, need for cooperation between the Church (and other Faith-Organisation) and the government in respective nations. Thus it insists on making education inclusive for all sections of the society, and places caution on difficulties posed by distance learning and more emphasis on technology rather than human person.
As the history of education has shown, the Christian thought and practice places the human person central in all questions; the Church invites all stakeholders to place the human person (here the young learner) to be placed in the center of the teaching and learning process. It insists on relationships rather than any other concern. Despite the world’s educational system taking a battering under the Covid-19 pandemic with distance learning, the Vatican reaffirms the direct and interpersonal relationship of exchange and dialogue between teachers and students as indispensable for the learning process.
While in Uganda we are still discussing and preparing to open the educational institutions, many schools and universities around the world are beginning a new academic year, many continue to rely on remote learning to prevent the spread of the coronavirus among faculty and students.
In its letter, the Vatican department of education said that although digital platforms have allowed for education to continue, they also have brought to light “a marked disparity in educational and technological opportunities.â€
They also note that several millions of children will not be able to access education in the coming years, increasing the already existing educational gap. The children from the poor and lower income families do not have means to facilitate their children the digital learning. For instance, in Uganda there are millions of families without electricity and facilities for telecommunication. Teachers too are not trained to handle this type of education. This will surely widen the gap between the richer/urban and the poor/rural that the country already has.
Besides this educational disparity, the document is very concerned about the importance of in-person learning and interaction with the students and teachers which it considers “indispensable for the formation of the person and for a critical understanding of reality.†While we adapt to remote learning through digital platforms and keeping physical distance we should keep in mind the real objectives and values of education, that is bringing people together and learning to interact and building a human family.
Because in classrooms, lecture halls and laboratories, we grow together and build a sense of identity in relationships. At all ages of life, but all the more so in childhood, adolescence and early adulthood, the process of psycho-pedagogical growth cannot take place without an encounter with others, and the presence of the other provides the necessary conditions for creativity and inclusion to flourish.
Relationships which are vital in education cannot find sufficient home in the interaction mediated by a screen or in the impersonal connections of the digital network. The document has wisely noted that “…In the perspective of future school and academic planning, albeit amidst uncertainties and concerns, those responsible for society are called to give greater importance to education in all its formal and informal dimensions by coordinating efforts to support and ensure, in these difficult times, the educational commitment of all.â€
The “Circular Letter to Schools, Universities and Educational Institutions†brings out clearly the mission of the Catholic educational institutions especially during this time of Coronavirus epidemic. The Vatican instructs that while distance learning to control the spread of the epidemic, the widening the current educational gap within society should be removed. Due to a lack of economic support from the state, we run the risk of closure or radical downsizing of Catholic educational institutions; however, they have been able, once again, to face the new frontier of educational concerns.
The document insists that education and relationships go hand in hand. It affirms that the process of psycho-pedagogical growth cannot take place without personal encounter with others.
While appreciating the teachers for their selfless service the Vatican calls for robust continuing-formation programs for teachers that can meet the needs of our time without losing the synthesis of faith, culture, and life. While learning through digital screens focus should be on the Human Person while not getting lost in an ocean of screens.
Purpose of education is to put each other at the service others, promoting common good and overcoming divisions of all kinds. More than ever before, in this period of epidemic we need a strong commitment to form a community of networks which will form an educational alliance whose team effort aims at renewing the passion for a more open and inclusive education.
It is time to look forward with courage and hope because our foundation is in Christ â€" the way, the truth, and the life. If COVID 19 leaves behind greater education disparity between the rich and poor, the gap may never be filled in the future.
Fr. Lazar Arasu SDB
Priest and School Administrator
See, there are less than 1000 rich people in Kampala. And by rich, I mean even those who have gathered their wealth in dubious means, those who fake it, even those who may happen to be close to the rich. After counting to 100, you start running out of names who are doing great endevours in most fields in Uganda.
You can’t name at least 10 great journalists, you can’t name 10 great newspapers, you can’t name 10 great neurosurgeons here. What am I trying to say? Logically it is easier to break through in Uganda than in New York.
And you don’t have to be the best, you just have to be better than the average. Just a little bit. You do one simple great thing and soon you will be a regular at every Ugandan TV station.
Once you get into these 1000 people in Uganda, you soon realize it is the same people. The same people you meet at a startup conference, you soon meet at an American embassy function, then at a Blankets and Wine, it is this one small circle. And it is not a circle of the great, but a circle of people just a little above average.
It is like in Kampala everyone knows anyone, money, information just keep in this small circle. Not alone of money, except that it casts big shadows. So in Kampala, you just keep bumping into the same people, from place to place, even to social media.
Just pick any field, anything, and be just a little good in Uganda, or Kampala, you will be everywhere in no time. The same circles account for 90 percent of the drama in Kampala. If you speak of a beautiful girl, chances are high you all know the same girl. You don’t find that in Amsterdam. The odds of talking about the same beautiful girl in the city are literally nil.
Kampala is such a small place, than it makes it easier to break out. However breaking out doesn’t necessarily or fundamentally make you different from the circle out of which you broke!
And downside to small cities is that annoying one person could also mean annoying that person’s family or best friend. You have to be carefully which fires you start in such small cities. Everything is always closer. You talk about a scandal and chances are high, one of the people you’re talking to was involved in that scandal. Most people in Kampala have dated the same people. Have intersecting histories. It is such a small city!
]]>Safety First: Uganda Airlines Cabin Crew undergo tough Emergency Drills Sun, 01 Aug 2021 13:33:43 +0000 Airlines Cabin Crew yet again conducted Land Evacuation Drills on Friday July 31, 2021, having successfully completed ditching drills as per the Civil Aviation (Air Operator Certification and Administration) Regulation 2020.The land evacuation drills are required to demonstrate the readiness of Uganda Airlines to demonstrate its capability to carry out evacuation in the event of an emergency.
It’s also done to test Cabin Crew effectiveness and capability to open the doors.
“This is related to the ability of Uganda Airlines cabin crew to demonstrate to the Authority that its available personnel, procedures, and equipment provide sufficient open exits for evacuation in Fifteen seconds or less,†a source said.
The Cabin Crew have undergone Airbus A330 Type Specific Training which includes a practical module on operation of doors in armed and disarmed mode for water evacuation land evacuation.
“In this demonstration exercise, our well trained cabin crew were able to operate one Door (4L of Airbus A330-800 neo) in emergency mode, deploy the slide which was ready in seven (7) seconds of the required 15 seconds of Full Slide Deployment before Evacuations,†the source reveals, adding: “Our cabin crew evacuated the aircraft by jumping and sliding on the Modern Dual Lane Slide Raft that can evacuate two people at a go in an evacuation on land.â€
According to sources privy to the training, Uganda Airlines Technical team ensured safety of the Aircraft and safety of crew with zero injuries and zero damage to the fuselage.
“Our well trained Engineers were able to carry out what we call Slide Raft Transportation from one door to the other of the same type. This entire exercise was the first of its kind in Uganda, having drills carried out on the actual Aircraft as most of the drills are done in simulated facilities,†the source said.
“As a result all our Cabin Crew have fully demonstrated to the authority their readiness to ensure passengers fly safe and in the unlikely event they still can save lives as their primary duty onboard.
Trainings for licensed personnel is Uganda Airlines priority as the regulations required periodical recurrent trainings to ensure crew are relevant in the highly regulated industry,†the source added.
]]>Museveni orders UNRA to give road contracts to 4 foreign companies without undergoing competitive bidding Sun, 01 Aug 2021 11:36:37 +0000 Yoweri Museveni has ordered the Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) Executive Director Allen Kagina to award contracts to four companies to construct roads without undergoing the bidding processes.As per the law, any company that wants to render services to the public under government docket must undergo bidding and the winner is given a contract. After that government gives that company a certificate of due diligence.
However, to the President, such law seems irrelevant elevant because in a letter dated 29th July 2021 seen by this website, Museveni asks Kagina to give Ashoka Buildcon limited a contract to construct Mpigi-Kibibi-Mityana road (60KM) and other two roads.
In the latter, he said, “Ashoka Buildcon Limited have approached me proposing to construct and pre-finance the construction and building of roads; Mpigi-Kibibi- Mityana roads (60km), Kanungu-Hamurwa (47km) and Butogota-Buhoma (32km). I, therefore, direct you to enter into an agreement with that company to design and build these roads since they are under NDPIII.â€
Museveni added that due diligence was already made and the said company has a strong financial position to finance the mentioned roads.
“It should be agreed that the government of Uganda pays them through budgetary appropriations in quarterly instalments from a third of execution,†reads the letter.
The other company he seconded in another letter dated 15th May 2021 is Zhongmei Engineering group which is going to pre-finance Kanoni-Misingi-Mityana road(37km).
“This is a Chinese company which has financed and completed many roads in Uganda. This is therefore to direct you enter into this company to design and build this road since it’s in NDP III. It must be agreed that it will be paid in quarterly instalments from the second year of execution.â€
The third one is Chongqing International Construction Cooperation (CICO) which is going to design and construct Kabwohe-Kitagata-Rukungiri (65.7km) and Masindye-Kabimbiri-Zirobwe-Wobulezi-Kapeeka (138km).
“This is to therefore direct you to enter the agreement with CICO to pre-finance them and ensure that the right government procedures are taken. The government of Uganda will provide budgetary appropriations in quarterly instalments from the third year of execution,†reads a letter dated 21st June 2021.
Also, in a letter date 21 June 2021, President Museveni ordered Kagina to give the contract to China Communication Construction Co. LTD (CCCC). CCCC is to pre-finance the construction and building of Pakwach-Karuma road and Pakwach Bridge, Kisubi-Nakawuka-Natete/ Nakawuka-Kasanje-Mpigi/ Nakawuka-Mawugulu-Nanziga-Maya/Kasanje-Buwaya. Nakasero-Northern Bypass Express VVIP road.
He also ordered that government will provide budgetary appropriations in quarterly instalments from the third year of execution.
]]>China’s CCP centennial hegemony Sun, 01 Aug 2021 10:07:42 +0000 â€" For China’s Communist Party, celebrated its 100th birthday in July by just glorifying its past.The celebrations were also about cementing its future and that of its leader, Chinese President Xi Jinping.
In the build-up to the July 1 anniversary, Mr. Xi and the party exhorted its members and the nation to remember the early days of struggle in the hills of the inland city of Yan’an, where Mao Zedong established himself as party leader in the 1930s.
Yet in marking its centenary, the Communist Party has been accused of using this past â€" selectively â€" to try to ensure its future and that of Mr. Xi, is eyeing an opportunity to rule for life. ]]>Why Your Boyfriend Never Says ‘I Love You’ â€" And What To Do About It Sun, 01 Aug 2021 09:16:54 +0000 feeling of falling in love is like nothing else. Being in love with someone is exciting, intoxicating, uplifting and heartwarming.
And the next best thing to experiencing true love is declaring those feelings out loud to the man you’ve fallen for, right?
Well, not always …
If you say I love you too soon, especially if it’s sooner than he’s willing to say those three words in return, his silence can feel insufferable.
In a flash, that easy, comfortable feeling you had in your relationship goes running out the door, while vulnerability, discomfort, and anxiety come rushing inside.
His lack of verbal reciprocation may even cause you to reconsider the value of your relationship altogether.
In truth, a man is clearly shows his level commitment to you when he dates you exclusively, shares himself with you intimately, and does things like consulting with you while planning his schedule.
And yet, there’s a tendency to judge the validity of a relationship, as well as a man’s intention, by his willingness, or lack thereof, to say those three words.
The problem is that doing so can unnecessarily sabotage an otherwise promising new romance, which is why it’s valuable to first understand what may be going on for him on a deeper level.
Here are 3 possible reasons your boyfriend doesn’t say “I love you†that you may not have considered before.
1. He associates saying “I love you†with expectations he isn’t ready to fulfill.
Expectations are one of the most deadly threats to relationships because they replace open communication with unspoken presumptions.
Many men associate saying I love you with the onset of new expectations they know they aren’t ready to fulfill. Others are simply afraid of what those expectations might be, thus they choose to keep everything moving along pressure-free.
Does that mean your man isn’t willing to give you everything you want? No. In fact, he may already be giving you more than you imagined.
The key is to clarify where he’s at and what his intentions are. Just as some men side-step a boyfriend label while simultaneously being the best boyfriend you’ve ever had, the fear of expectation can inspire a man to express love through action rather than words.
2. He doesn’t feel like he can live up to his definition of what saying “I love you†means.
Everyone associates different things with being in love. Your man may associate saying I love you with actions he’s not ready to take, or other conditions he’s not yet experiencing yet.
The more honorable your man is, the more important it will be for him to feel like he can live up to his definition of what saying I love you means.
Thus, instead of prematurely pulling out of the emotional investment necessary to yield those three words, find out what professing love means to him specifically.
3. He’s genuinely not in love with you.
Just as you can love someone without being in love, fabulous times, passionate kisses and intimate lovemaking don’t necessarily equal being in love.
It’s easy to assume that the man who bears his soul to you on a regular basis without wanting anyone else must be in love with you. But as crazy as it sounds, it’s possible for a man to share virtually every aspect of his life with you without being in love with you.
As much as he cares about you, it is possible he’s just not in love with you.
While the truth may hurt, it’s important to discern whether he’s closed off to loving you or simply a late bloomer in the falling in love department.
What should you do if your man won’t say I love you?
First, remember that all men and women experience and define love in all different ways. It’s critical for you to refrain from making assumptions when he refrains from saying I love you.
Second, make it a point to learn what your man associates with saying I love you, along with what he believes will be expected of him. Then you’ll have a better understanding of what saying those words mean to him.
Third, check in with yourself and be sure that you aren’t placing greater emphasis on words than what you’re actually experiencing in your relationship.
While it’s easy to harp on why he won’t say I love you, it’s equally important to understand why you’re placing so much value on him doing so.
Source: Your Tango
]]>Why Kikuubo, city arcades will remain closed for some days despite Museveni’s reopening directive Sun, 01 Aug 2021 08:27:06 +0000 business centre, shopping malls and arcades in Kampala have been warned not to re-open without the certificate of compliance from Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) despite President Yoweri Museveni’s order for them to resume business following the expiration of the 42 days of lockdown.Delivering his Covid-19 address on Friday, Museveni permitted Kikuubo, malls and arcades to reopen but under strict observance of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
However, according to the Minister of Kampala Metropolitan Affairs Hajjat Minsa Kabanda,the business centres must first comply with all SOPs and also get approval from KCCA before resuming business.
Speaking to journalists at Uganda Media Centre on Saturday, Hajjat Kabanda said the affected parties should wait until KCCA is satisfied that those opening meet the required conditions set by the President.
This means the reopening of city business centres may be delayed for some days as they get clearance from the responsible authorities.
Asked whether this doesn’t run contrary to what the President said, the Minister of ICT and National Guidance Dr Chris Baryomunsi said whatever the minister is doing is the correct interpretation of the presidential directives.
Baryomunsi called upon the public to comply with all the SOPs in order to avoid Uganda slipping into a third wave of the Coronavirus. He said the reason why the government decided to partially open up the country was to have a balance between saving lives and livelihoods.
“I call upon all of us to take on these measures in good faith because they are intended to see that all of us see tomorrow. I would also want to say that, let’s do self-policing. Let’s not wait for security people to alert us to say put on the mask. Let’s know that that is a duty whether somebody is seeing you or not,†Baryomunsi said.
]]>Minister Aceng, UNICEF contradict over number of oxygen cylinders donated to Uganda, citizens left confused Sun, 01 Aug 2021 07:59:03 +0000 Minister of Health Jane Ruth Aceng and the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) Uganda have contradicted over the number of oxygen cylinders donated to Uganda.On Saturday, Uganda received a donation of 586,080 doses of Covid-19 vaccines from the governments of Norway and China as well as oxygen cylinders from UNICEF.
After receiving the donation, Dr Aceng went on her twitter handle to unearth the development.
“This morning, we received additional COVID-19 vaccines to support the vaccination exercise. We received a donation of 286,080 doses of AstraZeneca from the Government of Norway and 300,000 of the Sinovac vaccine from the People’s Republic of China,†she said.
“We also received 100 oxygen cylinders and their accessories from @UNICEFUganda to support the COVID-19 pandemic,†the minister added.
However, at the same time, UNICEF Uganda also went on its official twitter handle to claim that they donated 500 oxygen cylinders thus creating confusion among Ugandans.
“@unicefuganda has procured 500 #oxygen cylinders, gas refill cylinders, medical regulator sets with masks and cylinder spindle keys to contribute to the national #COVID19 response in #UGA. In the photos Dr @Munir_Safieldin handsover supplies to Dr. @JaneRuth_Aceng . #Uganda,†UNICEF Uganda tweeted.
The contradiction has since sparked fury among netizens.
So 400 oxygen cylinders disappeared along the way.@JaneRuth_Aceng said 100 oxygen cylinders
â€" LEGAL OFFICER UOT (@CounselAllanVic) July 31, 2021
What happened really coz @JaneRuth_Aceng says she got 100 oxygen cylinders not 500.
â€" Joseph Patrick Mwidu (@josephmwidu) July 31, 2021
Thanks alot hope the 400 are on the way and not vanished cause minister reports 100
â€" Kabitswa (@ndiMunaUganda) July 31, 2021
This is a very big information gap that must be addressed urgently.@UNICEFUganda; 500 oxygen cylinders.@JaneRuth_Aceng; we received 100 oxygen cylinders.
Qn: Who took the 400 oxygen cylinders? @IGGUganda @PoliceUg @edthnaka @AntiGraft_SH find out plz
â€" Matua Job Richard (@JobMatua) July 31, 2021
However, the Ministry of Health Spokesperson Emmanuel Ainebyoona says that it’s true the Minister received only 100 oxygen cylinders but not 500 as UNICEF Uganda indicated in a tweet.
Yesterday @UNICEFUganda indicated that it had procured 500 oxygen cylinders to support Uganda’s COVID-19 response. However, only 100 cylinders were received at @nmsuganda by @JaneRuth_Aceng 400 more cylinders are yet to arrive into country. Thanks for being attentive
â€" Ainebyoona Emmanuel (@ainbyoo) July 31, 2021
]]>10 interesting facts you didn’t know about Museveni’s younger brother Gen. Salim Saleh Sun, 01 Aug 2021 07:03:13 +0000 Salim Saleh real name Caleb Akandwanaho is the National Coordinator of Operation Wealth Creation-a program aimed at improving the household incomes for poverty eradication, wealth creation and overall prosperity of Ugandans through facilitation of sustainable commercial agricultural production.We unveil the 10 things which we feel you don’t know about the highly decorated army serviceman;
1. Gen Saleh was born on 14 January, 1960 and he is a younger brother to President Yoweri Museveni.
2. In 1976, aged 16, he left Kako Secondary School in Masaka to join the Front for National Salvation (Fronasa) based in Tanzania, a rebel group formed and led by Museveni to fight against the regime of Idi Amin.
3. He trained together with his friend Fred Rwigyema and his brother Museveni in Mozambique with Samora Machel’s Frelimo rebels. It was there that he adopted Salim Saleh as his nom de guerre .In 1978, Fronasa merged with other anti-Amin groups in Tanzania and formed the Uganda National Liberation Army (UNLA), who together with Tanzanian forces captured Kampala on April 11, 1979, sending Idi Amin to exile.
4. Saleh was later made a platoon commander of a UNLA unit in Moroto district. Following the bitterly contested December 1980 elections Museveni declared an armed rebellion against the UNLA and the government of Milton Obote.
5. Saleh joined his brother’s National Resistance Army (NRA) and the guerilla war known as the “Busy War†that would last until 1986.
6. In January 1986, Salim Saleh commanded NRA’s assault on Kampala which eventually led to the demise of Gen. Tito Okello regime, with Museveni becoming President.
7. NRA became the national army, with Salim Saleh as commander. Saleh was the first Commander of the new army of Uganda. Saleh proceeded to command the army against rebel groups that were remnants of the UNLA, including Uganda People’s Defence Army (UPDA), in northern Uganda.
8. He was instrumental in working out a peace deal with the UPDA. In 1989, following accusations of corruption, he was sacked from the army by his brother. He later became the senior presidential advisor on defence and security (1996 â€" 1998).
9. In 2005, Saleh, then a Lt. Gen., was one of the pioneer classes to graduate from the new Uganda Senior Command and Staff College at Kimaka in Jinja. Following that course, he was promoted to the rank of General in the UPDF.
10. Prior to the 2006 general elections , Saleh went back to school and obtained an A â€"level certificate , the minimum requirement to become a member of parliament in Uganda or President of Uganda Following the elections, he was appointed Minister of State for Microfinance and then subsequently Senior Presidential Advisor on security and defence matters a position he holds up to date.
]]>DR IAN CLARKE: Antibiotic resistance, the next big threat Sun, 01 Aug 2021 06:52:20 +0000 human race is facing two major threats at the moment: global warming causing climate change, and pandemics. The Covid-19 pandemic is caused by a virus, but before the advent of penicillin, less than one hundred years diseases caused by bacteria were the big killers. During the First World War hundreds of thousands of soldiers died from bacterial infections, which could now be easily treated.With the advent of Covid we have awakened to the reality of threats from microorganisms. Technically the Corona virus is not classified as a living thing, just a piece of RNA which needs the host’s DNA to replicate, but this small piece of non-life has caused death and disruption on a global scale. Many of these viruses, which can be so dangerous to humans originated in other animals and are known as zoonosis. Communities that live close to animals, or eat wild animals, are the link to transmission.
The precursor virus that gave rise to HIV first occurred in monkeys, who transmitted it to chimpanzee, who then developed a virus, Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV), which is almost identical to HIV. Close contact with Chimps allowed the transmission of SIV to humans.
The origin of the Covid-19 Corona Virus has also been hotly debated â€" whether it originated in a lab in Wuhan, or was transmitted to humans through the Wuhan market that specialized in selling seafood and wild animals. The most likely theory is that it existed in animals such as bats or pangolins, and was transmitted to humans in close contact with these animals. We have protected ourselves from a number of viral infections through vaccination: we now have vaccinations against polio, influenza, hepatitis, rubella, chickenpox, other childhood diseases, and most recently the Corona virus.
However, as far as the threat from other microorganisms is concerned we are going backwards. Since the discovery of penicillin in 1928 we have developed a wide range of antibiotics and come to take them for granted. In Uganda we can walk into any drug shop or pharmacy and get a supply of antibiotics without a prescription. Any farmer can get supplies of animal antibiotics without authorization from a vet. We have become so used to antibiotics that it is now common to administer self-treatment without any medical advice. A recent study by the organization ‘Anti-Microbials in Society’ in Uganda found that residents in Namuwongo automatically take metronidazole if they have diarrhea, and the unsanitary living conditions in this slum mean that diarrhea is a common problem, so metronidazole is widely used as a cure for diarrhea.
The inappropriate use of antibiotics results in microorganisms developing resistance and we are witnessing the emergence of superbugs in hospitals for which there is no treatment. I am seeing the overuse of strong antibiotics in Uganda against common infections because the antibiotic can be given through an IV cannula, which people believe is more effective. But if a patient is well enough to take an antibiotic orally there is no justification for giving it intravenously and we are simply encouraging the development of resistance in these useful second and third line drugs.
Health professionals need to sensitize the public to the dangers of the overuse of antibiotics rather than prescribing inappropriate antibiotics themselves, because if we return to the pre-penicillin era we will see devastating consequences from bacterial infections for which there will be no treatment. This would be an avoidable ‘epidemic’ so government should closely regulate second and third line antibiotics in terms of their indications for use so that they do not continue to be misused.
The author was a member of the AMIS advisory committee in Uganda.
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